Variador de Velocidade Hidráulico

O Variador de Velocidade Hidráulico ou Hidrovariador é um elemento de transmissão de potência sem contato mecânico entre motor e máquina acionada, com o mesmo princípio de funcionamento básico do acoplamento hidráulico, onde um rotor bomba no eixo de entrada fornece energia a um rotor turbina acoplado ao eixo de saída.

It differs from the hydraulic coupling because it allows the control on the output speed, this control is carried out by the scoop tube which remove the fluid from the working chamber proportionally to the required output speed.

The scoop tube linear position control is performed by an electromechanical actuator, attending the required operating position according to 4..20 mA signal.

Due to its hydrodynamic transmission characteristic, it allows the motor to start without load, with subsequent smooth and controlled acceleration of the system.

A gear pump continuously supplies a stable flow rate of oil to the working chamber and the scoop tube also removes this oil continuously, however, depending on the position of this scoop tube, the internal volume oil is maintained, resulting in stable speeds as long as the linear position does not change.

As there is a continuous oil flow rate, it is possible to decrease its temperature through a refrigeration circuit in an air-oil or water-oil heat exchanger, thus allowing constant variation in output speed. This characteristic also permits starting large inertias with common short-circuited rotor motors, and even combine several motors in the same machine by starting them sequentially.

Well known as a robust and reliable machine, with availability up to 99.98% of the life cycle, the hydrovariable has a long useful life with the reliability expected for large continuous production equipment and is not subject to technological obsolescence.

Variador de Velocidade Hidráulico dotado de um painel de controle, pode ser equipado também com placa para leitura e processamento de sinais, enviando os dados para a nuvem em tempo real e assim possibilitando a leitura remota e envio de alarmes para controle de operação. Para mais informações contate nossa equipe de engenharia.

Our team is available 24 hours a day for your assistance, with the aim of always delivering solutions with quality and within a short deadline.